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New Advanced Functional Materials Paper

The lab has a new paper out in Advanced Functional Materials titled: "Unraveling the Molecular Origin of Prey-wrapping Spider Silk's Unique Mechanical Properties and Assembly Process Using NMR". Prey wrap spider silk exhibits high extensibility and superior toughness compared to other types of spider silk and is a promising target for biomaterials design. In this paper, the lab combines mechanical testing, solution NMR on native glands, SSNMR on spun fibers and AlphaFold structure prediction to elucidate the silk's unique liquid-to-solid transition and further correlate the silk fibers conformational structure with the silk's fantastic mechanics. These results and models are providing the fundamental basis for the design of biomimetic materials inspired by the prey wrap spider silk system. The study was led by lab post-doc, Kevin Chalek, with major contributions from David Onofrei, Julian Aldana, Hannah Johnson, and NREL scientist, Bennett Addison. For anyone interested, you can check out the paper here: Unraveling the Molecular Origin of Prey‐Wrapping Spider Silk's Unique Mechanical Properties and Assembly Process Using NMR ...

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Holland Lab Featured in San Diego Union Tribune

In August 2023, the Holland Lab was featured in the San Diego Union Tribune. The article was on the front page of the Sunday paper! The article titled: "Rolling in the Money and Talent: SDSU Sets Up as Key Player in Science Scene" was focused on SDSU's growing research portfolio that totaled 192 M this past year. The Lab's spider silk research was featured in the article together with some nice pics of spiders and silk collection. The article can be found here: ...

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