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Prof. Scheibel Visits Holland Lab, SDSU

In October 2023, Prof. Scheibel from the University of Bayreuth, Germany, visited the Holland Lab and SDSU to work on collaborative research project and meet with lab members. Prof. Scheibel also gave a seminar to the Department of Chemistry on synthetic spider silk. For more on Thomas' Lab see here: ...

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Holland Lab Participates in NSF-ICORPS Program

In October 2022, The Holland Lab was part of the NSF-ICORPS program that is focused on commercialization of academic lab research discoveries. PhD graduate student Hannah Johnson, post-doc Dr. Kevin Chalek and Prof. Holland worked with the ICORPS team at SDSU to develop ideas to commercialize aspects of the labs spider silk research. In the future, this may be the spring board to a start-up company spun out of the lab. ...

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San Diego State Science Fair

Congratulations to high school students Jason Provol and Matt Bronars for their poster presentation “Metabalomic Analysis as a Method for Breast Cancer Diagnosis”, presented at the San Diego State Science Fair. They won top awards and the opportunity to represent San Diego at the Intel International High School Science Fair hosted in LA in July....

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Outreach At Gage Elementary School

Helping to spur interest in STEM fields early in life is an important part of our mission as researchers. In March, Dr. Holland gave a presenation at Gage Elementary in San Diego where students had the chance to see first-hand what research entails. Naturally, students were very excited by spiders shown during the presentation....

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