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Holland Lab | Prof. Holland’s Seminar in CSRC Colloquium
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Prof. Holland’s Seminar in CSRC Colloquium

Prof. Holland’s Seminar in CSRC Colloquium

For anyone interested in our latest research results on spider silk formation, a link to a recent talk is provided below. The talk was given as part of the Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) Colloquium series at SDSU. The title was “Integrating Experimental Biophysics and Computational Tools to Elucidate Spider Silk Formation”. In recent years, we have significantly grown the computational and simulation aspect of our silk research efforts to include coarse grained and atomistic molecular dynamics simulation (MD) together with predictive modeling (AlphaFold2). We have found that combining experimental biophysical data with computational approaches is providing an unprecedented level of understanding across hierarchical length and timescales for spider silk assembly.

Link to the CSRC You Tube Page: